Saturday, June 24, 2006

interesting idea to remember

this is the best way to remember it.
i cant find my note book.
i need this recorded- work on stock!

interesting works coming your way...

Friday, June 16, 2006

steamy hot night out

Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

yes. it was hot.

there was chemistry.

we learned to say not yes but no. ( no more yes! yes!)

talked about food porno

had to go through all that ich spreche ein binschen deutch, I speak a little german. which he came back with

Hast du deutsch gelearnt???

Errr. i think we will meet up for more champagne next time.

nope. we didnt drink. 8 colas, and ice tea and 3 hours of steamy hot steamboat was what we had.

Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

and this was all we ate.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

i am committed

mao goes to doc.jpg
Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

"don't be silly dear, get back in there" exclaimed the doc. the vet also got to see how feisty my pussy cat is today.

she's been called names. puss in boots, CB cat, etc...
no one likes her. "how about putting her to sleep?" came one suggestion.

perhaps there is a reason for all this. like why her fur is dropping. maybe her unfriendliness is linked medically. so now, i am convicted to find out whats wrong with her.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

daring again

dancing fountain
Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

i wished i could join them in their dance, their freedom dance. its as if they were oblivious about the people around them, staring, as they ran around the fountain. jets of water bursting periodically, monotonously. i got bored after awhile. how could they run around non-stop? i wish i have their energy, their boldness to do whatever they please whenever they please.

i had a vision for a moment.

i imagined that i was with them, not as a child but in my adult body, running around with nothing more than my speedos, screaming, jumping, enjoying.

come to think of it now, its a rather disturbing thought.

now, i see why i didnt people didnt want to grow up.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

hey thats me

Originally uploaded by Col and Ally.

yes. its nice to have a break after all this work. i think i have too much break now. got to work!

another dive trip is coming up in august. anyone interested?