Thursday, June 09, 2005

PAWS, doggies have them too

Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

i had a cat when i was a boy. i can't really say that she was mine. she was more like a stray that hung out at grandma's.

i don't hate or dislike dog, i just prefer cats though i have forgotten the reason for the choice. its only PAWS's first week here and i have learned a little more about them.

dog lovers would claim that dogs are more attentive, affectionate and responsive. i believe that that is mostly true.

just constantly being aware of PAWS at home had me understand more about cats. she isn't affectionate, not yet, but i do remember cats being coy, flirtatiously shy but not insociable, generally. she hasn't been the most attentive little cat but i do find that she has become more responsive in my presence over the days.

give it a couple of weeks i was told and she will be a cool companion to have. i once told a friend that maybe i should look for a girl who prefer cats to dogs. my exs been dog lovers so far. Jean just got a miniature schnauzer, whiskey, he is a boy.

yes the pussy cat is harder to handle but i believe patience pay.


Joanna Koh said...

hey ming, i was reading a story on child kidnapping, and lisa montgomery was this woman who strangled a pregnant woman and cut her child out of her abdomen. did u know that before u set up ur blog? hehe. hope u r having fun in sg with paws! shes a sweet one.. i miss all my meowmeows at home

ming said...

maybe i might turn out to be some psycho.