Friday, October 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

this could just be the answer for all my pains.



Tuesday, October 11, 2005

he is cool

the dude is cool,
michael buble, no he did not give me a fever
but i am sure a lot of the ladies in attendance at the concert last night caught one.
i did not come home riding the bicycle all night as our performer suggested cheekily.
but i can say i am a really happy man at this moment.

something magical has happened.

i am in love.

GOD, thank you.

Friday, October 07, 2005

maybe i spoke too soon

emperor's lunch
Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.
cheap and nice tim sum lunch on my last day in perth. last night young and the pilots brought me to have AUD$4.50 egg prata and AUD$3 teh tarik. i guess, its what you will have to pay when you are desperate for comfort food. i will be home in less than 12 hours- back to all the hustle and bustle- life goes on...

nandos dinner coming up at 8. i want some chicken tonight, chicken tonight.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

perth holiday

subiaco sunset
Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

4 trips in 4 months after, i am finally enjoying my days resting, doing almost nothing in laid back perth. 2 days of work and 5 days holiday, not bad for a change. i am enjoying evey bit of it before i head back to the crazy schedules back home. clients are already calling, chasing deliveries, deadlines, etc, etc, etc...

the stay here is good. its not as laid back or slow as i expected it to be. i love the swan river, i just love water- there is so much life where the river flows. the city isn't really all that developed. thats probably good since there is so much potential with what the WA government can do.

a $3 million house with a river view, that is just not possible in singapore. on a more down-to-earth side, a house for $300k just unheard of back home. how about this- a ferrari for $300k? you can buy 3 here for the price you pay back home. ha. a hyundai getz for $18k, you can't even get a van with that kind of money.

its one thing to be holiday and another to be living in this city. its one lovely town to be in. perhaps i might live here someday.

retirement maybe? hahaha

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

one good reason to shift to perth, western australia