Monday, April 24, 2006

the good news: WC version

good news
Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

Thank GOD the good news did not come out of the water closet! well, for this restaurant, the piece of good news was very well communicated. wash your filthy hands and hear of this good news. now you can come back again for great food after church on sundays!

its good to hear. i am going to spread the good news.

sunshine over the rainbow

Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.
shot this picture when i was at the new budget terminal awhile back. i must say this is about the prettiest thing there. perhaps i might get to see how it is like beyond the customs and gates someday!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

many good things to come

Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

i finally nail down the date for the europe trip. picked up the tickets today. the trip was postpone as i had to stay for an important interview- one that might give me a fellowship award.

its been a crazy month. a shoot for a book, a website to maintain and now i have to worry about what i should be shooting half way around the world if they do pick me to go. it has made me cry out to GOD more often. i need help! not that i don't know how to get things done. more like, how do i get it done best.

to date, jo jo's pictures has got 27 views, the most viewed picture on my flickr. ha ha.

my mind is really scattered now. ideas are coming up and i know i should put it down quick before they disappear into nothingness. for one, i know that i want to do something really big, something really crazy, something that will make me look back and think that whatever i have done on is nothing really too great.

now that the website is up and running, i just can't wait to fill it up with goodies.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

why this picture?

jo jo
Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

i just put this picture of jo i shot on flickr to see how many hits it will get. well, she's been complaining that i havent been updating my blog. so here i am presenting jo! she certainly dont look like an auntie. i wanted at get her to look auntie since i have this project with xindi on shooting singapore fashion. i know all the uncles will queue up to look at this. right jo? ha.

anyways, its been a good project. more will come up. i have suddenly become patriotic or something. or maybe it has always been inside me and something triggered this need to tell the world about who we are. i dont want to be known as the guy who comes from the country who has cute flight attendants in their natinoal airline when i visit some ulu part of europe. and i dont like to hear this "which part of china is singapore again" nonsense.

anyways, its my need to answer how unique singapore is when the singapore tourism board came up with their uniquely singapore campaign. i set out to answer that and that was how came to being.

i have to say that my love for my country has grown everytime i travel. there is more to come. watch out singapore!