zo si mi???
what will i do if i am not a photo grapher? do i really work for myself or am i really doing what people want me to do? some years back, someone asked me if i will stay as a photographer for long. i simply relied "forever!" well, work is still work and i have come to a point where i ask myself- do i really want to do what people want me to do, or do i want to do what i want to do. will i be a photo grapher all my life? i know i wont run around shooting weddings at 50.
lately, i have been thinking how cool it will be if i am a game programer or a comic strip artist.
i did not grow up wanting to be a photographer.
other things i wanted to do when i grew up
1. teacher
2. pilot
3. artist
4. chef
all this watching jamie oliver and tony boudain on tv has made me dream of cooking and living happily ever after. perhaps i could start wtih being a little famous making blog
appearances. doing anything else will be easier then.
how do i get that TT coupe, that house i always wanted, my life, my partner, my family, my life...? maybe i start illustrating my own life comic strip