Monday, August 22, 2005

interesting things i've learned over the weekend.

i did not look bigger on tv. therefore, i conclude that i am really big

i have friends who watch chinese channel documentaries on sunday nights

video girl aspires to be a mother since being a ninja is just not really practical

mojo jojo cannot be found

stacey kent does a cute little dance on stage.
she can look like a wax figurine like those from Madame Tussaud's
when people try to take pictures with her when she isn't looking.

Madame Tussaud's
Originally uploaded by elisabeth montgomery.

(this couple look really loser)

a foetus in a mother's womb gets really excited when it hears fast music.

i didn't quite fancy the youth service in city harvest church. everything was just
done so quickly it made me feel i am either getting old or i am just too slow.

GOD's grace is still the way to go.

grace tan is doing very well designing clothes

and grace lee is going to get married really soon.

the singapore prime minister made a great national day rally speech

and he teared.

singapore will be a great place to live in 10 years time- a vibrant city, full of life, new developments
and striving to get better with its service.

and they will most likely to continue the chewing gum ban

i like to make a short film about how unique singapore is.

i should go get myself a driver's license.

move somewhere which is cable tv ready.

many boys wanted to be pilots when they grow up.

i haven't read up about tokyo much.

and its 3 days before i might get a culture shock there.

i like to expand my business in asia.

i could do 5 chin ups and i need to work harder.

1 comment:

ming said...

8 days